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Shifra W
Peer Worker
I have over 6/7 years experience working as a Peer Worker, Lived Experience Educator and Researcher. I have attended professional development training in complex trauma, compassion focused therapy and Emotional CPR.
I have a lived experience of bipolar, PTSD and anxiety. I have experienced discrimination, harm and also incredible hope through hospitalisation and being a 'patient' in the Australian mental health system. I want to work with other people with lived experience to support them in their recovery and discover together that there is hope. We can and do 'recover' and live lives of our choosing despite whatever symptoms or challenges we face.
I love bouldering, exercise, travel (when we can), practicing my languages, kayaking, hitting the beach with my doggo, cooking and enjoying good food and wine!
I look forward to connecting with you and building from a point of mutual understanding, sharing and meeting you wherever you are in your life journey. Welcome to Peerhear!