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Erica M
Peer Counsellor
Hi, I'm Erica (She/Her). My areas of lived experience include family violence, family dissolution, terminal illness, cumulative grief, and childhood trauma. I have lived experience with GAD and depression and have lived with others who have struggled with addiction because of complex trauma. I support victims of domestic violence and walk with people working through grief. I have a Diploma of Counselling and membership with the Australian Counselling Association.
I am Mum to three cool and interesting young humans who continue to be my teachers. I am an earlier-than-expected empty nester, wannabe traveller and sometimes renovator. In my downtime you’ll find me outside; jogging, dancing, or soaking up the sun with my sweet beagle, Margaret.
I know opening up and making sense of your world can feel hard and scary. But I like to think courage exists where there is self-curiosity, connection, and space to be heard.
Welcome to Peerhear.